SIPEF Group Selects LintraMax Plantation Solution

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Jakarta, INDONESIA (3 August 2012) – LintraMax (M) Sdn Bhd (“LintraMax”), an MSC Malaysia-status company, will be supplying and implementing an integrated plantation management solution to SIPEF, a Belgian agro-industrial company listed on Euronext Brussels, for its oil palm, rubber and tea plantations’ operations from cultivation phase at estate to crop processing at mills as well as marketing, in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
A project collectively known as System Integration for SIPEF Group (“SiSG”) will be rolled out by the respective subsidiaries of SIPEF Group namely PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia, PT. Agro Muko, PT. Umbul Mas Wisesa, Hargy Oil Palms Ltd and Galley Reach Holdings Ltd. PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia will be representing SIPEF in undertaking the SiSG project management and implementation, which is estimated to be fully deployed by operations in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, by the first quarter of 2014.
Managing the diverse and remote plantation operations, which covers approximately 60,000 hectares of planted surface area, will be simplified with the implementation of SiSG as it helps SIPEF in addressing the end-to-end plantation operation and management needs with comprehensive functionalities for its 25 estates, 12 factories or mills and head offices processes.
By facilitating better resource utilisation to streamline costs and increase profit, SiSG also helps in managing its plantation organisation more effectively. Ultimately, SIPEF will be reaping the benefits of SiSG by LintraMax. It is the mission of LintraMax in providing an integrated plantation management solution crafted to meet the industry-specific challenges and enabling its clients to attain sustainable profits.
SiSG aims to replace the current systems operated by the respective subsidiaries of SIPEF with a standardised plantation management platform for operational and financial management including payroll, checkroll, procurement, inventory, vehicle, nursery, planting, accounting and budget control. The integrated plantation business intelligence with consolidated operational, financial and managerial reporting platform allows decision makers to access information relating to the plantation via web browser and mobile devices.
Processes such as payroll computation, inventory utilisation costing, new planting expenditure tracking, nursery expenditure tracking and seedlings statistics will be automated by the plantation offices. It improves productivity by reducing manual computation and streamline estates and mill operational processes.
With reduced lead time for month-end closing as well as the reporting facility which enables the management to monitor actual expenditures against budget easily and quickly, it enhances the efficiency for the account processing, expenditure budgetary control and monitoring. It also strengthens internal audit control with transaction audit trails and historical record traceability.
SIPEF is a Belgian agro-industrial company listed on Euronext Brussels. The company mainly holds majority stakes in tropical businesses, which it manages and operates. The group is geographically diversified and produces various commodities, principally palm oil. Its investments are largely ventures in developing countries.
For more information on SIPEF, please visit
About PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia
PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia was established within the framework of the Foreign Capital Investment Loan No. 1 year 1967, based upon notarial deed No. 40 dated September 7, 1961 of Professor Meester Raden Soedja, public notary in Jakarta. The deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice in his decision letter No. J.A 5/98/22 dated September 21, 1961 and was published in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 97 dated December 5, 1961, Supplement No. 650.
The company is further established to be a management company for the SIPEF Group, Jabelmalux Group, and PT. Agro Muko activities in Indonesia and is managing about 47.700 hectares of oil palm plantations and rubber in Sumatera and 1.787 hectares of tea in Java.
The Medan Office is the centre of activity of the SIPEF Group in Indonesia, located in Gedung Bank Sumut, Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 18, North Sumatera. The office manages and controls the agricultural developments, engineering, marketing, human resources and finance and administration for 20 oil palm estates, six rubber estates, one tea estate, five crude palm oil factories, three rubber factories and one tea factory. More than 12,000 people employed by these companies.
For more information on PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia, visit their official website at