Crop Monitoring with Quarto

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The Quarto plantation management platform supports all the different roles and processes involved in your plantation business. In this article, we’ll look at one of Quarto’s capabilities, which is also one of the most integral processes in plantation estates – crop monitoring.
Automated crop monitoring
How do plantation managers benefit from automated crop monitoring?
Quarto’s in-the-field app is designed to capture crop quality data. Using the app, field supervisors can inspect the quality of crops harvested by estate workers. The crop inspection details are recorded for each worker, including details like ripeness and unsatisfactory crops that they have harvested.
After syncing the location-specific inspection data from the app to Quarto, the system converts the precise locations into map points and generates a grading report based on the estate blocks.
Managers can use the map and report to monitor and keep track of the ripeness category, based on bunch count and bunch percentage. This data helps managers to make decisions on improvement. For example, managers may decide on how to overcome the high percentage of rotten fruits at a specific block.
Integrated crop monitoring
Generally, crop monitoring ties together the operation, financial, and performance of the estate, and with integration between Quarto’s features, you get an A-to-Z approach to crop monitoring.
On the operation side, crop monitoring entails the recording of worker harvesting transactions and harvesting rounds and intervals, for example, while crop data from in-the-field operations are captured via the app.
In terms of finances, crop budgeting and expenditure data enhances planning, decision-making, and cost monitoring. Integrated with maps and analytics, operational visibility ties together with financial integration with block expenditure monitoring along with identifying crop harvesting and collection patterns.
Performance-wise, the estate’s yield data is presented in multiple ways for monitoring and analysis. For one, yield data can be viewed via map for each block. On the other hand, visuals from analytics provide a clearer picture of yield performance, crop harvesting, production levels, and expenditure breakdown, tying all back together again!
Managers can use the insights gained from these visual presentations to make strategies that will enhance operations, reduce financial costs, and maximise yield performance.
Streamlined crop monitoring
Automation + Integration = Streamlined Crop Monitoring
Automated data collection and integration allows for better response from management and streamlines the crop monitoring process from field to office. With so many roles involved from beginning to end of the crop monitoring process, a centralised system like Quarto ensures a fluent crop monitoring workflow.
That is, between clerks who record crop harvesting transactions, field supervisors who perform in-the-field crop quality inspections, accountants taking care of the expenditure and costs related to crop production, and the managers that look at all these data to formulate profitability strategies for the plantation business.
By overseeing every aspect of your plantation business on ONE platform, you get better ROI while growing your plantation business! Easy deployment, easy scale-up, and easy to manage – added advantages of digitalising your plantation business with Quarto.
Connect with us and let Quarto help enhance your crop monitoring and a lot more processes in your plantation business!